Frequently Asked Question

Frequently Asked Question

A question? Consult our F.A.Q. or contact us

  • Why did EM Strasbourg Business School develop the CforCSR© platform?
  • Regarding the CforCSR© platform, what are EM Strasbourg Business School's expectations in terms of its students?
  • How do I access the CforCSR© platform?
  • What if you forget your password?
  • What if the CforCSR© platform does not recognise the student's e-mail address?
  • What if you forget your password?
  • What if you can’t print your certificate of completion of TRAINING?
  • In the TRAINING part, is the work achieved by a student retained from one academic year to the next?
  • What is the test of the CERTIFICATION?
  • Is it possible to start CERTIFICATION, to stop and resume it later?
  • What to do with the two certificates of completion of the platform (the TRAINING certificate and CERTIFICATION certificate)?
  • What to do in case of loss of the TRAINING and CERTIFICATION certificates?
  • What is the deadline for completion of TRAINING and CERTIFICATION?
  • Can I complete certification several times to improve my score?
  • What to do in case of a problem?